“Spring Forward”

Dear All,
When it is time to “Spring Forward” with our clocks, does that mean spring is really just around the corner?  Let’s hope so!  Remember that tonight is the night (Saturday, March 9th) that we need to set our clocks forward one hour before going to bed.  Don’t forget those clocks that we may not pay attention to every day or the ones in your car.  Just as important as setting your clocks, now is the time to also check smoke detectors and fire alarms.  Make sure if you still have the old style that the batteries are good.  If you or anyone you know is in need of a fire alarm, please contact our local fire departments.  A working alarm can save lives!
Also, if you have any lights that are on timers, now is a great time to adjust those accordingly as well.  It is staying light later and your outside lights or ones inside do not need to come on as early.  So reset your timers so these lights will not be on before they are needed.
As we all “Spring Forward” with our clocks tonight and check our smoke detectors/fire alarms let’s all hope that spring really will be here soon!
Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6

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