Dear All,

Since KIB (Keep Indianapolis Beautiful) cannot have their regular “Great Indy Cleanup” activities this year, they have found new ways in which we can all still make a difference and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.  One way that we can all make a difference is by participating in their Virtual “Great Indy Cleanup” on Saturday, April 25th.  KIB is asking us to participate by going out as individuals during the day to pick up trash in an area.  This can be done somewhere close to your home that you have noticed needs that extra TLC in the way of cleaning up litter.  Perhaps it is along a street or road near your neighborhood, an intersection, next to a bridge, along a trail, in front of or in a park, or anywhere else you have noticed the need.

You don’t need to wait until Saturday – after all April 22nd is Earth Day and the weather is nice.  The idea here is we can all make a difference by having our individual “Great Indy Cleanups” and get out and enjoy the outdoors.  What a positive way to spend some time and make a difference in our area.

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful has a lot of information on their web site as well as on social media.  Go to or their home page for more information.  They are also doing Kids Activities (and things to do as a family) that are very educational and are done outside.  Go to the Learn section and then to KIB At Home.  There is information how you can get more involved with their programs in the future as well.

Outdoor activities like individual litter pickups are okay if you follow proper health guidelines (stay at least six feet away from other people, always use gloves, use litter grabbers or other tools when possible, disinfect tools after use, and always watch your hands).  Let’s all do what we can to clean up trash on the west side of Indianapolis, one bag at a time.  Hope you will join in on Saturday!


Janice McHenry  

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