Memorial Day

Dear All, Are you like me and remember stories from your parents (or grandparents) of picking flowers from their yard (especially peonies – our state flower) and taking them to decorate the graves of those family members, neighbors, and friends who gave the ultimate sacrifice to our Country on “Decoration Day”?  Perhaps you even joined […]

Trash Delay

Dear All, Just wanted to make sure everyone remembers that trash service will be delayed for the Memorial Day Holiday.  Since Monday, May 25th, is Memorial Day there will be no trash pickup that day.  All trash will be delayed one day.  For those of you who normally have your trash picked up on Monday, […]


Dear All, Are you aware that for the June 2nd Primary Election there will only be 22 voting sites in all of Marion County?  That means where almost all of us have voted in the past will not be open for voting.  I have attached the list of the polling locations that you can vote […]

Eagle Creek Park Update:

Dear Eagle Creek Park Neighborhoods,   Here is the latest information from Indy Parks about Eagle Creek Park as well as some other Indy Parks information.  I know that many of you have been wanting to know when vehicles will be allowed back into Eagle Creek Park.  That will happen on Thursday, May 21st. (This is […]

Marion County Public Health Department, have announced the next steps for Indianapolis’ reopening of the economy

Dear All, Mayor Joe Hogsett and Dr. Virginia Caine, Marion County Public Health Department, have announced the next steps for Indianapolis’ reopening of the economy.  While many restrictions will still remain in place, some businesses may start reopening on Friday, May 15th, with additional changes possible on June 1st. Attached is a summary flyer that […]