Dear All, From the amount of commercials on TV, we cannot help but knowing that election day will quickly be here. While there are a lot of important positions to vote on this year, there are a couple of “offices” that are on the ballot that you may not be as aware. One is […]
Month: April 2024
Eclipse glasses and were wondering how you could recycle them?
Dear All, Do you still have your Eclipse glasses and were wondering how you could recycle them? Here is a way you can make sure they do not just end up in a landfill – but can be used by others (especially school children) in other countries to safely view the next eclipse. Speedway is […]
Dear All, I thought I would share PTRA’s agenda for Wednesday, as Dr. Young, Superintendent of Pike Schools will be doing a power point on the referendum question that will be on the ballot May 7th. The referendum question is stated: METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PIKE TOWNSHIP Shall the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township, […]
Wayne Township Education Foundation
Dear All, In preparation for the Total Eclipse over Indianapolis next Monday, the Wayne Township Education Foundation (with Schmidt Associates for help funding) is providing 2 pairs of glasses and information for each student in their system. They also provided glasses to some other groups in the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township. I have […]