“The Great Indy Cleanup”

Dear All, It is that time of year again when neighborhoods, churches, and other organizations will be participating in “The Great Indy Cleanup”.  As we have done the past several years, I, along with Eagle Creek Park’s manager, have organized cleaning up from the Eagle Creek Park Office west along the causeway on 56th Street […]

“Great Indy Cleanup”

  Dear All, March is half over, spring officially begins this weekend, flowers are beginning to come up; however, there is also the major problem of litter that has accumulated over the winter.  Many of you have participated in the “Great Indy Cleanup” in the past, either with your neighborhood or with another group.  It […]

Eagle Creek Park Foundation

Dear All, Attached is an event coming up Friday evening, March 20th, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Earth Discovery Center in Eagle Creek Park.  It is titled “Birds with Kevin Carlsen” and, with his expertise on birds, it should be very interesting.  While this is a Membership Event for the Eagle Creek […]

“State of the Town”

On March 14th the Speedway had their fifth annual “State of the Town” program.  Included in the program were the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Speedway Public Schools, along with a review of 2014 Town activities and looking ahead to 2015.  After the program, the President of Speedway Town Council, David Lindsey,  posed with Indianapolis City-County Councillor […]