

Dear All,

I have been asked to share a survey with those who have children in elementary or middle school about walking and biking to school (see below).  I did look over the entire survey and it seems pretty basic.  There is more information about this at the top of the survey itself, as well as mentioning that schools will be doing a “student tally count” on two different days where the teacher asks how the students arrived at school and how they are going home that day.  If you would like to participate, please see the link below.


Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6


Good morning, Councillor McHenry,


I hope this message finds you doing well and your week is off to a good start! I’m reaching out today to ask for your help in sharing a public input opportunity with your constituents. As you may know, we have a formal partnership with the City of Indianapolis to develop a comprehensive, county-wide Safe Routes to School program, crossing all 11 districts and the various private, parochial and charter schools, too. There are several components to the work, but right now we’re focused on collecting information from parents about their thoughts and attitudes on walking and biking to school.


Would you be willing to help us out by sharing a survey through your newsletter, social media, direct emails and/or other channels? The link is online here: A brief blurb you can use is below. You can also share our related Facebook and Twitter posts.


We appreciate your support and the ability to leverage your networks to improve walking and biking to school for children throughout Marion County. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thanks so much. Take care and have a great day!




Newsletter/Email Blurb:

Please take the Indianapolis/Marion County Parent Survey about walking and biking to school. The City of Indianapolis and Health by Design have partnered on a Safe Routes to School initiative and are interested in your thoughts and attitudes. This survey should take between five and ten minutes to complete and is available in English and Spanish. Your responses will be kept confidential and your name will not be associated with any results. However, after completing the survey, you may opt to provide your name and e-mail address to be entered into a drawing for a gift card. Your input is important to us and we appreciate your time! If you have any questions or would like to follow up, please contact Allan Henderson at




*Please note my new email address:


Kim Irwin, MPH

Health by Design

Executive Director, Alliance for Health Promotion

401 West Michigan Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Direct line: 317.352.3844

Fax: 317.634.7817


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