Crime Report 2-1-2017–2-28-2017


Dear All,

Attached is the February Crime Report for our District 6.  We had 71 incidents last month, which was down by eleven from January, but still is higher than last year at this time.  There are definite “pockets” that seem to have more crime than others.  We all hope that those neighborhoods will be able to increase an interest in Crime Watch, individuals being more aware of ways to protect themselves and their belongings, and take more pro-active measures in order to make these areas safer.  I also want to encourage all neighborhoods to work together to reduce or keep crime out of your neighborhood.  Please follow the many crime prevention tips that I have given or passed on in emails and that you have heard in Crime Watch Meetings.  Also, I do want to encourage neighborhoods to have a Crime Watch Meeting and invite IMPD to come out and talk to you about ways to make your neighborhood and home safer.  Set up your Crime Watch Meeting with Sgt. Matt Grimes with our Northwest District IMPD.  His contact information is: or 317-327-6616.  With so many neighborhoods having their annual meetings, etc. right about now, it would be a great time to get Matt or one of the other officers to come out and address your neighbors.

Remember, each and every one of us can be pro-active against crime.  First of all, if you see something suspicious, something that doesn’t seem quite right – call 911.  Don’t hesitate calling 911 if something seems wrong.  As was said at a Crime Watch Meeting I attended, you wouldn’t hesitate calling the fire department if you saw smoke or a fire, don’t hesitate calling the police if you see or hear something that needs them.

The weather is getting warmer, we will be working in our yards, riding bikes, cooking out, and enjoying springtime.  Here are some tips to help you be less likely of being a victim of a crime:

1.)  Don’t leave bikes, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, tools, or toys outside.  It is too easy for youth and others walking by to walk (or ride) off without being noticed.

2.)  Keep your garage door closed when you are working outside.  If you are mowing grass, working in flower beds, grilling, etc. you are not really paying attention to an open garage door, and someone can walk in, take something or even walk into your house through the door between the garage and your house.

3.)  Always keep your doors to the house locked.  Even when you are home, it is easy for someone to walk in, grab some items, and take off.  And I don’t think anyone wants to come face to face with someone in their home that was not invited.

4.)  Be careful of open windows.  We all enjoy having windows or doors open to let in fresh air during the springtime, but make sure they are closed and locked when you are gone or asleep or not right there where you can see someone if they try to get in through a screen.

5.)  Never leave anything of value in your vehicle and make sure it is always locked.  It is easy to get into a vehicle in a driveway, parking lot, etc. and grab something of value (or what they might think is of value) and not be detected.  It certainly is an inconvenience if a computer, phone, etc. is stolen and also getting a window repaired.

6.)  Always be aware of your surroundings.  Pay attention to who and what is going on around you.  It is too easy for someone to grab a purse, package, or pick-pocket if you are on a cell phone as you are walking through a parking lot or on a sidewalk or distracted in other ways.  And if you do see someone who seems suspicious, don’t get close to them and report them to security, etc. or call the police.

I hope that these tips do help not only you individually, but also your neighborhood and our area.  By all working together we can make District 6 a safer place for all to live, work, and play.  Remember………if you see something that doesn’t look right to you – call 911.  Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and neighbors who may not be on my email list.


Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6

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