Dear All,
I have quite a bit of information that I would like to get out and wanted to save some time (and number of emails) by combining the flyers. Please do take time to look over all and feel free to forward or print off anything that you would like to share with others. I would appreciate that as would those who are working hard to get this information out to more people.
1.) Open Burning Law – This gives some of the information about burning in Marion County. Remember leaves can not be burned, nor can trash. For more information go to: Indy.Gov/BNS Open Burning.
2.) Holiday Shopping Safety Tips – Since the “Black Friday Sales” are already starting and many folks getting ready to shop for those special gifts, preparing for parties, family meals, etc., IMPD has put together some tips for while you are at a shopping center or store that are good not only for the Holidays, but all year long. Please read over these and encourage others in your family to do the same.
3.) IMPD Contact Sheet – With several changes over the past year in our IMPD Northwest District there is a new sheet out on their contact information. This has not only the important phone numbers, but email addresses as well.
4.) “Coffee With a Cop” – The next “Coffee With a Cop” will be on Monday, Nov. 27th (right after Thanksgiving) from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. at the McDonald’s located 7236 W. 10th Street. This is about as close as you can be to our district without actually being in it. I hope many of you can make it. What a great way to talk one-on-one with many of our officers and Commander Jefferson! Don’t forget to put it on your calendar.
5.) IMPD Task Force Meeting – And while the last item is not until December, with the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving, I thought I would get this out early. IMPD Northwest District Task Force Meeting is on Wednesday, December 6th, from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center located at 2990 W. 71st Street (just east of Michigan Road). The Pike Township Fire Department will go over Holiday Fire Prevention Tips and how to keep your family safe. Some great information for everyone to follow.
Hope that this information and the flyers are useful to you. Again, please pass this on to others who may not be getting it from me or other sources.
Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6