Cleaning up weeds

DSC04630DSC04632Recently a young man who received his Eagle Scout a couple of years ago contacted Councillor McHenry wanting to do a community service project before going back to college.  It was decided to do a weeding and general cleaning up of the bushes and trees between Reed Road and the Greenway.  Some of those who helped are shown working around some of the bushes.
A volunteer from one of the neighborhoods is pulling some overgrown weeds by a small bush.
Some of those who worked on this project, including Councillor McHenry, posed for the camera after working for a couple of hours along part of the Greenway.  Council Candidate Terry Bible also worked on this project and was the photographer.
Much of the weeds and grasses that were pulled were bagged, but not everything would fit inside bags.
This huge pile of large weeds and other debris was stacked in one area for pick up in the morning.
And what an improvement!  Councillor McHenry would like to thank everyone who helped that day, including not only the family and friend of the Eagle Scout, but also neighbors, a trail user, and a half dozen soccer dads.

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