Dear All,
Just a reminder that tonight is when we “Spring Forward” with our clocks. So, before going to bed tonight make sure you have set all your clocks ahead one hour. Make sure you remember those clocks that are not ones we use every day, like in a room that is not used often, your basement, or garage, as well as ones that may not automatically set in your car.
Something else that is just as important as setting your clock, and that is checking your smoke detectors and fire alarms. Do that today as well, especially if you have some of the old style that use batteries. Working alarms save lives.
If you have lights that are on timers, both inside and out, it is a great time to adjust those accordingly. Since it will be continuing to stay light later until summer lights do not need to automatically come on as early as during the winter. Resetting the timers will keep the lights from being on before needed and also help make your home look cared for and occupied when you are not at home.
As we all “Spring Forward” with our clocks tonight and check our smoke detectors/fire alarms let’s all hope that spring will be here to stay shortly.
Janice McHenry