town hall meeting

Dear All, The Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center located at 2990 W. 71st Street is having a Town Hall Event on Tuesday, June 18th.  I thought I would share this with you in case you are interested.  There is a mistake on the flyer – the event actually does start at 6:00 p.m. instead of […]

Flag Day

Dear All, Happy Flag Day!  While this is not a true holiday, it is a great time to fly our flag proudly and think what it has meant throughout our Country’s history to so many people.  I have attached the history of Flag Day, which was started as a way to learn more about our […]


Dear All, It is that time of year to think about flowers you will be planting later this spring, and what better way to get some of those flowers but through our 4-H.  I have been getting their geraniums for years, and have always been very pleased at the quality and how beautiful they are.  […]

The first quarter IMPD Northwest District Task Force Meeting

Dear All, The first quarter IMPD Northwest District Task Force Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 8th, from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. at their headquarters located 4005 Office Plaza Blvd.  The speaker will be Danyette Smith, program director of the Indianapolis Domestic Violence Prevention Program.  This should be a very educational meeting.  See […]