Pike Township Residents Association

Dear All,
Received this information this evening from Pike Township Residents Association.  I felt that this may be of interest to many of you.  Please feel free to pass this information on to others who may be interested as well.

Janice McHenry

Has your neighborhood seen an increase in investor or large corporations buying up single-family homes (instead of local families)? Are you worried about what that could mean about the neighborhood and greater community in the long run? You are not alone – this is a troubling trend we are seeing across Indiana and the nation.
The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana produced an investigative report into these entities and the effects they are having on our neighborhoods. Some key findings include:
  • over 12,000 single-family homes in Marion County are owned by out-of-state investors
  • upwards of $15 to $20 million in rental payments by local families to these investors leave our Indiana economy
  • these entities usually make all cash offers to purchase these homes, taking that homeownership opportunity away from local families
  • over half of the single-family rentals in the Far Eastside, more than three-quarters in Lawrence, and over 80% of some southside neighborhoods are now owned by out-of-state investors
  • large out-of-state investors have increased eviction filings rapidly from 2021 to 2022


If any of these findings worry you, please join us at our upcoming FREE event:

The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana is hosting “Plunder: A Conversation About Private Equity with Brendan Ballou” on Tuesday August 13, 2024, starting at 6:30pm at Indiana Landmarks Center. Mr. Ballou will present his book “Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America” and shed light on how private equity firms are actively reshaping American business using legal loopholes to avoid liability. These firms often use short-term tactics that leave communities to suffer the long-term consequences of those bottom-line decisions. The FHCCI is especially concerned about private equity’s involvement in the housing market, discussed by Mr. Ballou in his book, but he also dives into the effects these tactics have in our healthcare system, nursing homes, prison services, and more!

The event will kick off with some of the concerning data the FHCCI has analyzed surrounding investors buying up single-family homes (to bring a local focus to the material Mr. Ballou will be discussing) and conclude with an audience Q&A session followed by a book signing. The best part is that it is completely FREE, and it is certified for 2 hours of LEGAL continuing education credits! ASL interpretation will be provided. We want to see people from all sectors attend – attorneys, advocates, concerned citizens, housing consumers, lenders, housing providers, and more.

To learn more and register, please check out our event page. Registration is required to reserve your seat. If you feel this topic is important, we’d appreciate your help promoting this event to your co-workers, followers, clients, parishioners, staff, board members, and others. We want Hoosiers to be aware of this issue and how it affects some of the housing issues they are seeing in the news very frequently.

Thank you so much for your support of fair housing in our state and I hope to see you on August 13th!

Erika Fotsch

Director of Education and Outreach

Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI)

429 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 401, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: 317-644-0673 x1008   Toll-Free: 855-270-7280   Relay: 711

Email: efotsch@fhcci.org

Web: www.fhcci.org

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