Christmas and New Year’s, all trash will be operating on a “slide schedule”

Dear All,

In observance of Christmas and New Year’s, all trash will be operating on a “slide schedule” the next two weeks.  There will be no Monday pickup, and everything will be delayed one day (Mon. on Tues., Tues. on Wed. and so on until Fri. will be on Sat.).  Regular schedule will return the week of Jan. 8th.  I also want to remind everyone that all trash must fit into your can and needs to be bagged before putting it in the can.  Also, break down all boxes and put inside can or bundle for heavy trash pickup.  Boxes need to be broken down and for safety reasons make sure that boxes that contained electronics or other costly items do not have the writing visible.  That is an invitation for thieves.  More information on trash pickup is below.

Also, starting Dec. 26th through January 31st some of our Indy Parks will be a drop off site for live Christmas Trees.  All decorations and lights need to be removed, as these will be made into mulch.  There are quite a few parks where you may take your live trees, including Gustafson Park at 3110 Moller Road in our District.  Krannert Park on S. High School Road and Northwestway on W. 62nd Street are also close to our southern and northern parts of the District.  More information and locations are below.

Want to remind everyone that the next ToxAway day will be Saturday, Jan. 6th at the Traders Point Collection Facility located 7550 N. Lafayette Road from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.  They are open the first Saturday of each month.  For more information about ToxAway and what is accepted go to:  ToxDrop City of Indianapolis.

With temperatures going above and below freezing, please do make sure that drains in front of your house and throughout your neighborhood are free of leaves and other debris.  If they are covered water can end up backing up and then when it freezes can cause ice on the street.  This can cause an accident or if someone walks along there to fall.  I have seen some drains lately in various neighborhoods that do need some attention.

Still on the topic of trash, I would like to say THANKS to those people who have been going above and beyond being a good neighbor and great Citizen.  These are the people who come out for planned Cleanups along our roads and greenways, but also to those who throughout the year make sure our bridges across I – 465 and other right-of-ways are picked up of trash, grass cut, raking, cutting overgrowth, etc. on their own.  I wish I knew the names of these folks, but unfortunately I don’t always see them, nor can I safely stop and talk with them.  This past week I did see some men and a woman working along Dandy Trail and Country Club Road.  What an improvement they made.  If you are one who is responsible for this, THANKS!  If you know who is responsible, please Thank them for me.

Hope all this information is helpful.


Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6  

Slide Schedule for Curbside Recycling, Trash and Heavy Trash For Christmas and New Year’s Holiday

For Immediate Release
December 20, 2017

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) would like to remind Marion County residents that curbside recycling, residential and heavy trash collection will operate on a slide schedule in observance of Christmas and New Year’s day.

Christmas Day – There will be NO residential pickup on Monday, December 25, and City trash collection services will be delayed by one day through Saturday, December 30.

New Year’s Day – There will be NO residential pickup on Monday, January 1, and City trash collection services will be delayed by one day through Saturday, January 6.

City trash collection services schedules will return to normal on Monday, January 8.

For more information on trash collection, please visit To report any trash and city related issues, please use the RequestIndy portal online or the mobile app on your smartphone. You can also report trash and/or City related concerns by visiting, or by calling the Mayor’s Action Center (MAC) at (317) 327- 4MAC.

Warren Stokes 


Christmas tree recycling returns Dec. 26

That once-thriving tree in your living room that is turning brown? It needs to hold on for just another week to fulfill its “Christmas destiny.” The day after, though? Get rid of it in as an environmentally-friendly way possible.

Cue the Indianapolis Department of Public Works and Indy Parks, which are once again teaming up to help you recycle the remains of your live tree for the public good. Rather than take up space in a landfill or be left on the side of the road like the “Scorpions Greatest Hits” tape your car stereo once ate, the trees will get a second life as landscaping resources such as mulch.

After removing all the tinsel, lights and other decorations from the tree, drop it off at one of nine locations from dawn until dusk starting the day after Christmas and running through January 31.

The locations:

• Broad Ripple Park (1610 Broad Ripple Ave.)
• Ellenberger Park (5301 E. St. Clair St.)
• Garfield Park MacAllister Center (2432 Conservatory Drive)
• Gustafson Park (3110 Moller Road)
• Krannert Park north parking lot (605 S. High School Road)
• Northwestway Park (5253 W. 62nd St.)
• Perry Park soccer field parking lot (451 E. Stop 11 Road)
• Riverside Park tennis court parking lot (2420 E. Riverside Drive)
• Sahm Park soccer field parking lot (6801 E. 91st St.)

This free service is meant for just Marion County residents, and if you’re a business looking for a cheap way to get rid of unwanted trees, look elsewhere.

Ronnetta Spalding
Chief Communications Officer
Indy Parks 


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