Dear All,
Attached is the press release from DPW (Department of Public Works) about restarting the Heavy Trash Collection Program on May 4th and the ToxDrop program on May 9th. Households are still allowed two heavy trash items per month. DPW asks for your patience as they have increased precautions as they pick up and also are anticipating more trash being put out this month.
ToxDrop will resume its regular schedule on May 9th at the Perry Township Government Center. Since our Trader’s Point Collection Center is open the first Saturday of the month, it will not be open until June. There are new precautions in effect for both those who are dropping off and the staff. The press release does have more information about both heavy trash and ToxDrop.
Please feel free to forward this information on to others who may be interested. This does apply to all of Marion County and not just our area.
Janice McHenry