Dear All,
I have had several of you asking about requesting an application for an Absentee Ballot for the upcoming Primary Election that will be held on May 8th. I have attached an application in case anyone still needs one. It does need to be received by the election board by Monday, April 30th, so if you are planning on voting absentee and have not applied for a ballot, I would get it filled out and sent in today or tomorrow. To make it easier than looking through all 92 counties, I have the address as well as the phone number for the Marion County Election Board below. I hope this is helpful to some of you. Please feel free to forward this on to others (and it does not have to be just in Marion County as all counties are listed on the back).
Absentee Ballot application.
Please mail to:
Marion County Election Board
3737 E. Washington Street, Ste A
Indianapolis, IN 46201
Any questions, their phone number is 327-5100.
Janice McHenry
City-County Councillor District 6