I received the information below about a public discussion on improvements for two intersections on 38th Street here on the west side. 

Dear All,

I received the information below about a public discussion on improvements for two intersections on 38th Street here on the west side.  If you travel 38th Street on a regular basis, use the new Eagle Library on Moller Road, or go to the monthly task force meetings at IMPD you may be interested in attending this meeting.  It will be held on Tuesday, January 28th, at the Eagle Branch Library located 3905 Moller Road from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  While being at the discussion by 4:30 p.m. may be a problem for many of you due to work schedules, I would gather if you arrive when you are able to get there you still would get a lot out of the meeting and be able to ask questions.

Many of you have expressed in meetings and other conversations about what you would really like to see happen in order to get safely from the south side of 38th Street to the new Eagle Library on the north side of 38th Street.  This project, from the cost, does not appear to be a major improvement, but more of a first step.  This would be a great opportunity for those of you who have some ideas to share about what you would really like to see happen along here to make it safer for those of all ages who may be walking or riding bikes in order to go to the library (or stores and other businesses) to do so.

Most of these type of meetings are not well attended and then the views of those who this will impact the most are not truly expressed.  I do hope that many of you who have an interest in this area will attend to learn more and offer your suggestions and ideas for the future.


Janice McHenry



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Come Share Your Thoughts

The Indianapolis Department of Public Works and Department of Metropolitan Development will host a discussion about improvements to be made at the intersections of 38th St. at Commercial Dr. and 38th St. at Moller Rd. The project aims to reduce traffic congestion and enhance multimodal accessibility through the use of dedicated turn lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks and a 10-foot wide multimodal path.

Construction at the intersections is tentatively planned for spring-autumn of 2020. The estimated cost of the project, which is currently in the design phase, is $200,000.

A public discussion about the intersection improvements will take place at Eagle Branch Library (3905 Moller Rd.) on Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 4:30-6 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend to share feedback and ask questions about the latest project launched in the International Marketplace.

International Marketplace Intersection Improvements


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