Dear All,
This week is Fire Prevention Week (October 8th – 14th). President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed Fire Prevention Week in 1925. During this week school children learn how to stay safe in case of a fire, and Firefighters provide education to adults and children in an effort to drastically decrease casualties caused by fire. The week of October 9th was selected to observe Fire Prevention Week in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire which started on October 8, 1871. During this fire more than 250 people were killed, 100,000 left homeless, and destroyed more than 17,400 structures as well as burned more than 2,000 acres of land.
This year many of our fire departments are stressing Cooking Safety. I have attached some information I recently got about this subject at a meeting I attended. I hope you will review this information and pass it on to others. Remember – now is a good time to check your smoke alarms as well.
Janice McHenry