Councillor McHenry feels very fortunate to have terrific residents of District 6 that come out on a regular basis to volunteer for their community. She would like to share with you some of the pictures and information about some of this dedication and commitment that many folks have to make their area and District 6 a better place to live, work, and play.
The annual “Causeway and West 56th Street” Cleanup that is organized by City-County Councillor Janice McHenry and Eagle Creek Park’s Manager Brittany Davis took place on April 9th. Even with the cold and some snow on the ground from the night before, there was a good turnout. Volunteers are signing in, getting supplies, and putting on safety vests.
Before starting off to work, instructions were given as well as thanks to sponsors and volunteers. A huge thanks went out to the two IMPD officers (one who is pictured here) who gave of their time on a Saturday morning to calm traffic and watch for the safety of the volunteers as they pick up trash.
Two of the volunteers who live nearby and Councillor McHenry stopped for a minute to have their picture taken. Others are still working in the background.
The camera followed workers, and two volunteers turned around and gave a big smile.